Featured image of post What is an Azure Private Endpoint?

What is an Azure Private Endpoint?

Unsure what an Azure Private Endpoint is? Read this very short blog post explaining what they are and how they differ from public endpoints.

Featured image of post On-Premise Self Hosted Integration Runtime for Azure Data Factory: How to configure with Private Endpoints and a Proxy Server

On-Premise Self Hosted Integration Runtime for Azure Data Factory: How to configure with Private Endpoints and a Proxy Server

In this post we look at a very specific configuration of an Azure Data Factory Self Hosted Integration Runtime (SHIR): 1. The SHIR is installed on an on-prem machine, 2. The on-prem machine uses a proxy server, and 3. The SHIR has to talk to the Data Factory resource via a Private Endpoint. This post is aimed at people who are familiar with Azure Data Factory.

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